Proud Canadian coming through! Shameless. In Canada (in particular Montreal) we have a great tradition of transdisciplinating in the arts, especially between the fields of dance/movement and technology. While going down the rabbit hole that is the National Film Board’s website, I came across these gems. !!ACHTUNG!! These videos are from the future. Proceed with caution… […]
Vita Parcours is one of the ways the city of Zurich tries to engage its inhabitants in a subtle manner. Not artistic at all but they use the method of dead reckoning to maneuver the participant through the course. It’s appears very natural in execution, but I see it as pure science and controlled guidance. Not […]
STRATEGIES OF INTERACTIVITY by Dieter Daniels (image from article) Right off the bat. The first paragraph in this text addresses the issue of viewer engagement/ participation: Duchamp therefore establishes that in every aesthetic experience, the viewer is assigned a constitutive role and that he »thus adds his contribution to the creative act«…»a work is made […]
PATH INTEGRATION IN MAMMALS AND ITS INTERACTION WITH VISUAL LANDMARKS ARIANE S. ETIENNE, ROLAND MAURER AND VALÉRIE SÉGUINOT Laboratoire d’Ethologie, FPSE, Université de Genève, 54 route des Acacias, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland The Journal of Experimental Biology 199, 201–209 (1996) 201 Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1996 JEB0112 This article introduced […]
THE SOCIAL CONTRACT by Jean Jacques Rousseau 1762 This project is heavily influenced by the quote below. I’m willing to go as far as to say that this quote is the reason I wanted to create this project: MAN is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and […]
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